LINKS including vendor sites for parts and tools as well as
sites for jeep organizations

LOG includes log entries of minor repairs and and adventures
between time of purchase and the present.

MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc.
maintenance routines developed for Renegade based on the BillyBob
routines, including required tools, materials and procedures.
I haven't done much of my own work on Renegade since I
purchased him in 1991. However, one of my Y2K resolutions is to start
doing a lot of my own maintenance (I get an unnatural, irrational
twitch between my ears that tells me Renegade is miffed at all the
attention I lavish on BillyBob).
The PATROL LOG history of Renegade includes log entries of minor
repairs and adventures between the time I got Renegade and the present.
You can email me at webmaster@laroke.com
Issued Saturday January
1, 2000
Updated Thursday February 14, 2019
copyright © 1996-2019 Larry Robert
Kephart all rights reserved