NEW is a chronological listing of updates to the BillyBob

LINKS including vendor sites for old parts, custom parts, and
tools as well as sites for classic car and truck organizations
Operating in association with Amazon.com, books, recordings and tools
can be purchased.
for the restoration including project schedule and cost estimates.

WITH BILLYBOB With apologies to Steinbeck, this area of
BillyBob's Garage will be used to log the trips BillyBob and I make
was the restoration of parts of BillyBob that I could accomplish
without a garage up until the summer of 2010 when I finally got enough
warehouse space to work in. Now, it also includes the continuing work
on BillyBob in the shop.
includes log entries of minor repairs and adventures between time of
purchase and the time when I started restoration, a piece at a time.
KORNER JR's Korner is the history of BillyBob before I got
him authored by my brother, Wm. C. Kephart.

MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc.
maintenance routines specifically developed for BillyBob, including
required tools, materials and procedures.
SHOP The Parts Shop is a repository of How-To articles.
Things that I have done over and over enough times to have developed a
procedure. This gives me a checklist and saves brain cells.
SHOP Urban residence design with large integrated shop and
separate living quarters for a relative or renter.

You will need the Adobe Acrobat
browser plugin to view these wiring diagrams which are in the PDF file
format. This format allows zooming and panning. If you don't have this
plugin, it can be downloaded and installed (free) from the Adobe site.
The button below will take you there.

wiring diagram updated with BillyBob's current state 'cepting the
third-party strap-on turn-signal director.
brake light circuit diagram shows the current state of the third-party
turn-signal director wiring, which will remain in place until I figure
out the problems with the OEM turn-signal director. It also shows the
OEM headlight switch.
65. A Tale of Two Shops
21st 2011 On friday
nite, I stopped off at Johan's shop on the way to the BillyBob Shop. He
had French's '49 Chebby up on the lift. The previous saturday, A BMW
cut French off and before he could open up any braking distance, the
car in front of the bimmer slammed on the brakes. The bimmer slammed on
the binders in turn and French was doomed. French ended up breaking the
steering wheel with his face and requiring stiches in his lip. We're
waiting on insurance determinations before putting humpty-dumpty back
together again.
saturday, I went back over to Johan's shop to help put some replacement
doors on Talani's '60 Chevy Parkwood wagon. Another fella, Eric, was
putting a new replacement diffy in a '97 BMW he is flipping. We had a
good day and after replacing the doors, Talani and Johan buffed out the
tired paint on the old station wagon.
March 28th 2011
Haven't mastered the discipline to get things moving in the BillyBob
Shop yet. I did manage to get the place cleaned up some on saturday and
sunday. I was looking for my calipers to measure the u-bolts for
Deerslayer's new springs. I need good measurements for custom u-bolts.
I was unsuccessful. I still do not know the whereabouts of my calipers.
I'm probably gonna have to settle for tape measurements.
4th 2011 I was making
some small progress around the BillyBob Shop saturday, getting
organized a bit and doing way overdue maintenance on Deerslayer when I
got a call from Johan. He said several of "the Rejecteds" (former
Saints n Sinners Car Club members) were hangin' at the Johan Shop and
workin' on several of the rides there. I grabbed a six-pack of Iron
City and headed on over. Joel was there pulling the vinyl top off his
Crestliner and Johan was working on Lana's '37 Nash.
Krashman showed up to mess around with his bobber pickup. They are
hoping to have it ready to go to the Billetproof Show this weekend.
French arrived to work on his smashed '49 Styleline and Later on, Jarle
arrived. French and Joel and I took Deerslayer back to the BillyBob
shop to pick up Joel's welder. It is a big, heavy unit, and I couldn't
hold up my side when we tried to lift it up into Deerslayer's bed.
French and I changed places and we managed to lift it with French and
Joel doing most of the work. Back at Johan's, we had pizza and more
beer before breaking off for the day.
May 27th 2011
Stopped at Johan's last nite to pay him for helping me put new front
springs on Deerslayer last week and to see if it was time to start work
on Rod and Kelly's '53 Merc that I backed into on the same nite. I
learned that the Merc sustained some additional damage when It dropped
into gear when noone was in it and banged into a Triumph cycle and some
of Johan's tools. Johan had to jump over the cycle and an engine block
to avoid being pinned by the Merc's Christine like behavior.
was there, working on his '49 Chevy repair and Johan was messin' around
with the fuel tank from John's '50 DeSoto. French's Chevy is going back
together with '50 front end sheetmetal and Johan found him a Chevy 235
engine to replace French's tired 216.
I showed up, Johan was bench racin' the 235. He had just done a
compression test and one cylinder is low at 80 psi. It is a late model
235 and has the 848 higher compression head. He is trying to talk
French into pulling the head and doing the machine work on it. French
is worried about mission creep.
June 8th 2011
Over three months ago, I ordered a Torin two-ton engine hoist from an
Amazon vendor. I have Amazon Prime free shipping on many items and four
vendors had this hoist shipping with Amazon Prime. Three were in the
five hundred dollar range which meant they had shipping built into the
purchase price. The final one had the hoist for $157 but you had to
wait up to two months to get it. I ordered and waited.
months later I was notified by e-mail that the hoist was on its way via
an outfit called "Home Direct". The friday it was supposed to arrive, I
received no less than three phone calls from home direct telling me it
was delayed until monday . . . then nothing for two weeks. Then Amazon
sent me an e-mail informing me that the shipper had lost a two-ton
engine hoist! Did I want a refund? I said send another one. Amazon sent
me another shipping notice which said it would be here on May 31st. On
May 31st, Amazon repeated the shipment for a third time. Yesterday, I
received two phone calls from the shipper telling me they would deliver
today and one phone call asking me if I ordered two hoists as they had
two with my name on it. Told them to bring me one and send the other
one back. The hoist arrived thirty minutes ago and the package was a
bit ripped up but I signed for it anyway. Had the two guys load it
directly into the back of Deerslayer which I backed up to their
liftgate. This is the first time I've dealt with Home Direct and I hope
it's the last.
11th 2011 I unloaded
the hoist the other nite and assured myself that all the major pieces
were in the mutilated packaging. We have not had a bad summer so far in
south Florida. Temps have been in the mid-eighties during the day and
lower seventies at nite. It's still hot in the BillyBob Shop 'tho and I
keep the overhead door closed to keep the debris from blowing in from
the other bays. Unfortunately, that's the way the air currents run
around here.
longer than I thought it would to assemble. Doesn't it always? I did a
couple of steps wrong and had to backtrack. When finished, I didn't
like the manufacturer's rinky-dink method of securing the legs in the
folded position, so, I substituted short bungie cords. Now, I gotta
find a place to store this thing. I've got to get an engine stand too.
Maybe next year for that purchase.
July 18th 2011
Took friday off as my friend Rob wanted to come to the BillyBob Shop
and pick up his '49 Merc leadsled. I puttered around the shop all day
but Rob was a no-show. The Merc remains in the shop with BillyBob and
Deerslayer for the time being.