LINKS including vendor sites for old parts, custom parts, and
tools as well as sites for classic car and truck organizations
Operating in association with Amazon.com, books, recordings and tools
can be purchased.
for the restoration including project schedule and cost estimates.

WITH BILLYBOB With apologies to Steinbeck, this area of
BillyBob's Garage will be used to log the trips BillyBob and I make
was the restoration of parts of BillyBob that I could accomplish
without a garage up until the summer of 2010 when I finally got enough
warehouse space to work in. Now, it also includes the continuing work
on BillyBob in the shop.
includes log entries of minor repairs and and adventures between time
of purchase and the time when I started restoration, a piece at a time.
KORNER JR's Korner is the history of BillyBob before I got
him authored by my brother, Wm. C. Kephart.

MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc.
maintenance routines specifically developed for BillyBob, including
required tools, materials and procedures.
SHOP Urban residence design with large integrated shop and
separate living quarters for a relative or renter.
been collecting and reading books and other materials required to do
this job the best way I can (the first time). Here is my take on these
books and publications. The books I've purchased but not gotten around
to reading yet are also listed. This bookstore
has been setup in association with Amazon.com and any of the items you
see here with the Amazon.com logo can be purchased through Amazon.com
directly from this site.
11.19.1999 Amazon.com has expanded
its wares since I first set up the bookstore. In the same spirit I am
offering more of the items they offer on this page including tools and
recordings that I have purchased in conjunction with my work on
BillyBob. Timeout for Trivia: That date at the beginning of this
paragraph is the last one any of us now living will experience that
contains odd numerals for every digit.
Automotive Electrical Handbook by Jim Horner, Inc
Staff Inkwell Co. This is a great book for those who want to wire or
re-wire their vehicles from scratch. Basic theory and components are
covered in detail. I got BillyBob's re-wiring 99.44 percent finished
before I got half-way through reading this book cover-to-cover. I did
not finish reading it but I still go back to it often for reference.
Automotive Paint Handbook by John Pfanstiehl.
Haven't gotten a chance to look at this one very close yet.
Automotive Upholstery Handbook by Don Taylor.
Haven't gotten a chance to look at this one very close yet.
California Bill's Chevrolet, GMC & Buick
Speed Manual, 1954 Edition Published by Fisher Books. Reprint edition
(December 1995). This is a is a performance how-to book written by Fred
W "Bill" Fisher . It gives you helpful hints for performance on the
early inlines. I'm sorry to pass on a report from the Ole Trucks mail
list that California Bill Fisher passed on in the first half of 1999.
Catalog of Chevy Truck ID Numbers 1946-1972:
Pickup, Suburban and El Camino (Cars & Parts Magazine Matching
Numbers Series). Published by Cars & Parts Magazine. I was
lucky with this book as it was given to me by my brother (the "Billy"
in BillyBob) when he sold me the truck. I have seen reports in various
mailing lists and newsgroups that not all the info in this book is
accurate, but in my case, this publication has saved me considerable
expense. The Pennsylvania Title for BillyBob did not have the year
listed. The Florida authorities were going to require an "expert" to
certify that BillyBob was a 1955 model, hitting me for about $200 extra
in the process. An inspection of the door identification plate along
with a photocopy of the appropriate page from this book satisfied them
and saved me that $200.
Chevrolet 1954 Truck Shop Manual Published by
Motorbooks International. This is another of the books my brother
included when he sold me BillyBob. The one I have does not have any
indication in it of being a Motorbooks International reprint but I
think it is the same.
Chevrolet Pickups 1946-1972 How to Identify,
Select and Restore These Collector Light Trucks by John Gunnell. Got
this in July of 2000. Haven't looked at it closely yet, but I like the
Classic Car Restorer's Handbook by Jim Richardson.
Haven't read much of this yet but have picked out a few areas that I'm
working with currently like the vent window assembly. An easy read with
some good tips.
How to 'Hop Up' Chevrolet & Gmc 6-Cylinder
Engines Paperback - 160 pages Reprint edition (September 1997). This is
a is a performance how-to book written by Roger Huntington in 1951. It
gives you helpful, if dated, tips for performance on the early inlines.
Engine & Chassis Detailing It's simple, to
the point, and an easy read. A good primer for a non-expert like
myself. Jim uses a lot of stuff from Eastwood Company, but that's OK
with me since I do too. A regular on TV's "My Classic Car," Richardson
covers a wide range of commercial products, tasks, and techniques
necessary to produce award winning and show-car-quality chassis and
engine restorations. This comprehensive guide includes new powder
coating techniques and materials, painting and CAD plating techniques,
intake and exhaust system detailing, rewiring, disassembly and media
blasting, MIG welding, and hundreds of other topics.
How to Paint Your Car by David H. Jacobs, Jr. I
saw this book listed in Eastwood Company's catalog when I was getting
ready to purchase a quart of Corroless rust stabilizer from them. I
ordered this book from Amazon.com after I received the rust stabilizer
to research how to prep BillyBob for a temporary "Rustoleum" paint job
to preserve him better until the big repaint which is still a few years
in the future. I've only "scanned" the contents at this point, but it
looks to be a great help to me both now and during that great repaint
in the future.
How to Restore Your Chevrolet Pickup by Tom
Brownell. The first edition of this is another of the books my brother
included when he sold me BillyBob. I have read that book cover-to-cover
once already. I consider it hits the mark so well that I will be using
it as a template in the restoration of BillyBob. Highly reccommended,
especially for rebuilding or restoring the "Advanced Design" Series of
Chevrolet Trucks.
How to Restore Metal Automotive Trim by Jeff
Lilly. I first saw this book in The Eastwood Company catalog. I ordered
it from Amazon and arrived the week of 03/27/2000. I havn't had the
chance to review or put it to good use yet.
How to Restore Your Collector Car by Tom Brownell.
Similar to the Jim Richardson books. Lot's of glossy color photos.
Carroll Smith's Nuts, Bolts and Fasteners, and
Plumbing Handbook. Haven't gotten a chance to look at this one very
close yet.
This book is not very useful for BillyBob as it
has only a few pages devoted to his single-barrel carby. If you have a
car with a Quadrajet tho, you might have more use for it than I have.
Truck : On Rebuilding a Worn-Out Pickup, and Other
Post-Technological Adventures by John Jerome. This is the tale of
re-building a 1950 Dodge pickup in the mid-seventies. It is about 2/3
truck building and 1/3 other post-techological adventures. I enjoyed it
throughly and laughed and cried along with the author.
Ultimate Auto Detailing by David H. Jacobs, Jr. I
can't remember when I saw this book at a "bricks and sticks" bookstore
and purchased it on impulse. it gathered dust for a long time but
recently I've started using it to detail Renegade, my Jeep. I'm also
going to apply some of the tricks I'm learning to spif up BillyBob too.
Welder's Handbook by Richard Finch. Haven't gotten
a chance to look at this one very close yet.
Wired for Success : Auto Electrical Made Easy by
Randy Rundle. This book is written in plain "common sense" English and
explains exactly how antique vehicle electrical systems are "supposed"
to work. Using real life "practical" and often funny examples, Randy
Rundle has written a book for the majority of antique car owners who
say " I don't care what the theory is..just tell me how to fix my
car.." Randy's book is full of tech tips and practicial ideas to make
any antique car more reliable and fun to drive. I haven't read this one
cover-to-cover but I often consult it for reference. Randy is also the
electrical forum moderator at Stovebolt.com
Hatari. The 1962 John Wayne movie directed by
Howard Hawks about catching animals for zoos in Africa. The main star
of the show is an early stovebolt AD chase truck. Nothin' can perk up
an ole trucker more than watchin' (and listenin' to) that older brother
of BillyBob running hellbent for leather across the savanna with the
Duke perched on the front fender. The other vehicles are interesting
too - a pair of long-bed jeep CJ types, a Jeep forward control truck, a
Dodge Power Wagon and even an old WWII era Mercedes 1-1/2 or 2 ton
truck. The AD even fords a river, then pulls out one of the Jeeps that
is stalled half-way across . . . Doesn't get any better than that.
Hot Rods & Custom Classics. This is a CD
Box Set from Rhino of four CD's (87 songs) with car tunes between 1946
and 1998. It is well done and packaged in a simulated model car box
that any of you who grew up in the sixties like I did will recognize
(do companies like AMT, Monogram, Revell and MPC ring a bell?) Each CD
has a different custom wheel graphic imprinted on it and each CD case
has recognizable decal images (remember the eight-ball lady luck?) and
famous custom engine graphics. There are real vinyl decals included
(Rancho Diablo Speed Shop, Rhino Flames Logo, Mooneyes), a Mooneyes
keychain/bottle opener, A replica Moon catalog, a book with excerpts
from Tom Wolfe's "The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby",
and best of all, a pair of "Fuzzy Dice" (which now hang proudly from
BillyBob's rearview mirror).
Black & Decker Workmate 225. This
lightweight, fold-up workbench is a good substitute for the real thing.
It will be my "main" workbench until the well-worn dream of a workshop
of my own materializes in the distant future.
Dremel 3981 Professional Tool Kit This
professional tool kit from Dremel features an electronic feedback
controller that enhances overall torque and performance at low- and
mid-speed ranges (5,000 to 30,000 rpm). Separate on/off buttons and
variable-speed buttons make the unit easier to control. Also features
soft-start technology, ball-bearing construction, and a 10-foot power
cord. I've wanted one of these since I was a kid. I finally "went for
it" in July 2000.