NEW is a chronological listing of updates to the BillyBob

LINKS including vendor sites for old parts, custom parts, and
tools as well as sites for classic car and truck organizations
Operating in association with Amazon.com, books, recordings and tools
can be purchased.
for the restoration including project schedule and cost estimates.

WITH BILLYBOB With apologies to Steinbeck, this area of
BillyBob's Garage will be used to log the trips BillyBob and I make
was the restoration of parts of BillyBob that I could accomplish
without a garage up until the summer of 2010 when I finally got enough
warehouse space to work in. Now, it also includes the continuing work
on BillyBob in the shop.
includes log entries of minor repairs and adventures between time of
purchase and the time when I started restoration, a piece at a time.
KORNER JR's Korner is the history of BillyBob before I got
him authored by my brother, Wm. C. Kephart.

MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc.
maintenance routines specifically developed for BillyBob, including
required tools, materials and procedures.
SHOP The Parts Shop is a repository of How-To articles.
Things that I have done over and over enough times to have developed a
procedure. This gives me a checklist and saves brain cells.
SHOP Urban residence design with large integrated shop and
separate living quarters for a relative or renter.

You will need the Adobe Acrobat
browser plugin to view these wiring diagrams which are in the PDF file
format. This format allows zooming and panning. If you don't have this
plugin, it can be downloaded and installed (free) from the Adobe site.
The button below will take you there.

wiring diagram updated with BillyBob's current state 'cepting the
third-party strap-on turn-signal director.
brake light circuit diagram shows the current state of the third-party
turn-signal director wiring, which will remain in place until I figure
out the problems with the OEM turn-signal director. It also shows the
OEM headlight switch.
63. The Big Move, Phase 2
22nd 2010 I've been
loafin' on phase 2 of the big move to the BillyBob Shop which is
clearing out the BillyBob warehouse in Boca. Finally got around to
getting a new battery for Renegade
so I could move him out of the way. Last nite, I took the battery up to
the warehouse and got the Jeep started. Moved the Jeep out and put a
load of stuff in Deerslayer's
Bed to take back to the BillyBob Shop. The trick will in in organizing
the shop to accomodate this stuff. The loft space is about filled up.
26th 2010 Picked up
'nother load at the warehouse on saturday. When I got it back to the
BillyBob Shop, I started the convoluted process of assimulating these
goodies into the shop. This process involves sitting with a beer or
cigar or both, while listening to doowop music and trying to figure out
how to organize and store the varied items, one-by-one. I'm trying to
do it without heading over to Home Depot or Lowes for shelving or other
expensive solutions I can't currently afford. Thirsty work for shure.
The house beer is PBR.
28th 2010 Saints n
Sinners CC member French pulled into the BillyBob Shop parking lot
right behind me when I got there last nite. club member Johan was close
behind. We had a PBR and studied the Merc for awhile. They were going
to adjust the valves on French's '49 Chebby so I grabbed some feeler
gauges and followed them over to Johan's shop. Johan's more of a
perfectionist than I am so we did it twice, two different ways. First,
was the traditional method with the engine running. The engine still
wasn't quiet enuf for Johan so we tried the method outlined by
my friend Nathan Hall (VWNATE), the one I use with BillyBob. With the
engine still, we discovered one of the adjusters wasn't tightening up
correctly. We removed it and found the threads galled. As luck would
have it, Johan had an old, discarded 216 stovebolt in his shop from a
pre-war fire truck restoration that SnS member Russ Gagliano's shop did
and, he had the adjusters from it. He examined all the adjusters on
French's engine and replaced a handfull. Several had their threads
fouled. Finally, the engine was running quiet enuf for Johan. We
knocked it off about a half hour before midnite and retired to Denny's
for some grub which French insisted on payin' for.
4th 2010 On saturday, I
spent the day organizing the BillyBob Shop and storing away stuff that
I had brought down from the BillyBob warehouse bay. I had a box of
tools that I bought down from my parents' place in '04 and never looked
at at the time. Spent a couple of hours organizing the tools and waxin'
nostalgic. I had just cleared up some shop space when Rob Stannard, his
brother "Krashman" and others showed up with an engine and tranny for
the Merc. It's a Chev smallblock and we've been talkin' Ferd and Chev
bigblocks but it's hard to say no to a free, running engine.
October 7th 2010
Went down to the Monterey Club last nite to watch the Cupcake Burlesque
Troupe audition applicants for new cupcakes. Krashman (Craig Stannard)
was there and he gave me three hefty cartons of new assorted nuts,
bolts and brackets. Companies he deals with routinely throw this stuff
in the dumpster. He has agreements with several of them to intercept
these throwaways. They are a welcome addition to the BillyBob Shop if I
can just find a place to put them. Craig also has sheet metal,
including stainless, ready for fabrication, for the askin' if I need it.
18th 2010 On saturday,
Deerslayer and I went for 'nother load of stuff at the warehouse.
Brought back a wire shelving unit and some heavy BillyBob stuff - A
three-speed Muncie tranny with Borg-Warner overdrive, a 848 cylinder
head and the clutch and flywheel that Greg Hill gave me at the
Hutchinson show. Unfortunately, I wuz off-balance when I picked the
tranny up and my right leg buckled under me. I tried to throw the
tranny away from me and use my hands to break the fall. I landed with a
"ommph" and my hat went sailin' across the concrete. I suppose I
wouldn't have fallen if there wasn't a guy in the bay across from me
standin' there to see the whole thing. I got up with bruised foot, knee
and pride. Thanked the great mechanic in the sky for givin' me a
mulligan. Retrieved my hat and took a look at the tranny. It appears
undamaged. Got the shelving unit set up at the BillyBob Shop without
further incident.
sunday morning, got the shop space a little more organized by finding a
place to stash BillyBob fenders and grille parts. Started looking thru
the hardware that SnS Krashman had given me and found some cad plated
nuts, washers and brackets to replace the rusted nuts and washers
holding Deerslayer's bumper brackets to the frame rails. Went up to the
boss's house in the afternoon to help him get Max's Hemi Charger
started. After that we got Big Red started and
started working some on Frankie.
29th 2010 It won't be
long before I'll be going home in the dark. Snapped this nite shot of
the BillyBob Shop with my crappy camera. The shop is pretty full up but
I still have a lot of stuff to bring down from the old BillyBob
warehouse bay.
having a slow tire leak problem with Deerslayer and I picked up this
refurbed Campbell Hausfeld 7 Gal. Carry Tank off Amazon.com for $27
including shipping. It provides a little insurance until I get the leak
figured out. I can also use it for Renegade and BettyLou now that I
don't have the air compressor up at the Krash Lab.
10th 2010 I've been
tryin' to get my dead rear in gear to get something accomplished in the
BillyBob Shop. It's been slow going and it's all my fault. In the
meantime, I got some more new tools. I can't afford to buy a new tool
anytime one strikes my fancy these days so now I purchase them as the
need arises. Deerslayer's tire leak wuz all I needed to send for a
Lisle Leak Test Tank. Yeah, I know I could have emptied a plastic
storage box and probably make it work for the leak test but what's the
fun in that?
I have to add ATF Fluid to Deerslayer's tranny, it's a pain. I have to
remove the parking brake from the side of the tranny to get to the fill
hole. Even then, it's messy and I lose a lot of expensive fluid on the
shop floor 'cause access is tight and the siphon is not the best tool
for this job. I didn't know what the best tool was until I came across
a message thread at the Garage
Journal forums. That led me to a Plews Lubrimatic Fluid Quart
Pump. At around $10, including shipping, I can get another one for
diffy gear oil if this works as well as I 'spect it to . . . There's a
fly in the buttermilk tho'. The Redline Company doesn't use a standard
quart container. The neck is narrow and the cap is small. Good news is
that the pump will still fit the narrow neck. Bad news is that the cap
is too large to screw down. The current solution to this problem is
duct tape. We'll see how that works out. I have to remember to keep the
container upright at all times.
November 12th 2010
Last nite when I got home, my neighbors were having a photoshoot
outside the BillyBob Shop. They asked if they could shoot with
Deerslayer an' I said sure! It was too dark for me to get any pics with
my crappy camera (they had a powerful strobe on theirs) and if I get a
copy of the photoshoot digitals, I'll post them down the road. The
model was in short cutoffs and skimpy bra. Today, I have to clean the
baby oil off of Deerslayer.
November 15th 2010
Didn't get much done over the weekend. My friend Anthony is in the
hospital and I didn't attend any of the cruise-ins I usually go to with
him and Lou. Got the Flamingo Room cleaned on saturday (that's the ten
by fourteen office at the BillyBob Shop. It has two mirrored walls and
one of them has "Flamingo" etched in the glass with a pink flamingo as
the letter "F"). Got the Deerslayer detailed on sunday between the
morning breakfast cruise-in in Fort Lauderdale and the evening
cruise-in in Lighthouse Point.
This is a short episode, but it's time to post and get
my lazy butt in gear so I'll have more to report in the next BillyBob
Shop log entry.
November 17th 2010
Well, just damn! The LAROKE website hosting company is having problems
with their "FTP servers" and I can't publish to the BillyBob site. I
spun my wheels for a day, making shure the problem wasn't at my end,
before posting an e-mail to support. I would rather chew off my arm
than spend any time on the phone with tech support so I prefer e-mail
first. Surprisingly, I got two replies within ten minutes. One was an
automated receipt of my e-mail and the other was from a techie
admitting to the problem and linking me to the same trouble ticket so I
will get a response when the problem is resolved. LAROKE is no longer a
business and I only publish once a month so I can afford to wait it
out. If it was my bread and butter, I'd be having spitfits.
Okay, due to technical difficulties explained above,
this log entry will be a little longer. I ran up to BillyBob's Boca
warehouse bay at lunchtime yesterday and took another load of Billybob
parts down to the BillyBob Shop. I hadn't started Renegade for a month
and I was fearful that his new battery had been drained. He started,
however, and I was able to charge the battery some while I was loading
up Deerslayer.
November 18th 2010
Was notified by the website hosting company today that I could once
again publish to the LAROKE site so we're back in business and here it