BillyBob Work-in-Progress Log |
WHAT'S NEW is a chronological listing of updates to the BillyBob site. TRUCK LINKS including vendor sites for old parts, custom parts, and tools as well as sites for classic car and truck organizations STORE Operating in association with Amazon.com, books, recordings and tools can be purchased. PLANNING for the restoration including project schedule and cost estimates. TRAVELS WITH BILLYBOB With apologies to Steinbeck, this area of BillyBob's Garage will be used to log the trips BillyBob and I make together. WORK-IN-PROGRESS is the restoration of parts of BillyBob that I can accomplish without a garage. PRE-RESTORATION includes log entries of minor repairs and adventures between time of purchase and the time when I started restoration, a piece at a time. JR'S KORNER JR's Korner is the history of BillyBob before I got him authored by my brother, Wm. C. Kephart. BILLYBOB MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc. maintenance routines specifically developed for BillyBob, including required tools, materials and procedures. PARTS SHOP The Parts Shop is a repository of How-To articles. Things that I have done over and over enough times to have developed a procedure. This gives me a checklist and saves brain cells. STEALTH SHOP Urban residence design with large integrated shop and separate living quarters for a relative or renter. You will need the Adobe Acrobat browser plugin to view these wiring diagrams which are in the PDF file format. This format allows zooming and panning. If you don't have this plugin, it can be downloaded and installed (free) from the Adobe site. The button below will take you there. BILLYBOB WIRING DIAGRAM Here's the wiring diagram updated with BillyBob's current state 'cepting the third-party strap-on turn-signal director. STRAP-ON TURN-SIGNAL DIRECTOR/BRAKE LIGHT CIRCUIT This turn signal and brake light circuit diagram shows the current state of the third-party turn-signal director wiring, which will remain in place until I figure out the problems with the OEM turn-signal director. It also shows the OEM headlight switch. |
61. How I spent my summer vacation
May 17th 2010 I got a couple of loads moved down to the BillyBob Garage on friday and saturday but sunday was an all day show day and nothing further got done. The good weather sailed out with the weekend and now I'm sitting here at the Krash Lab waiting to see if the numerous thunderstorms around me will dissipate enuf for me to carry stuff in Deerslayer's exposed bed. At least I have some brew here to enjoy while I wait. Beer of the day is Flying Dog Brewery's "Raging Bitch Belgian-Style India Pale Ale" and it has an 8.3% ALC kick so I can only safely drink one. May 18th 2010 Didn't get anything moved last nite due to the showers. A census worker knocked at the Krash Pad door around nine. Guess they didn't like the answers I gave on the form. Too bad 'cause that's all they're getting. I'm gonna have to figure out a way to ratchet up the moving process. I'm not makin' enuf headway as it is. May 21st 2010 Okay, it's friday and I have been taking fridays off to move but I haven't gotten enuf done at the Krash Lab this week so it's a work day. The week hasn't been a total loss as I've been moving small loads from the Krash Pad to the BillyBob shop during lunchtime breaks. I'll be continuing that in the coming weeks.
I got a few loads hoisted before I somehow managed to foul up the rope hoist. I don't know how I got the lines twisted up but I did. I messed around for about ten minutes trying to free it up in place but, no joy. Took the darn thing down and restrung it. I'd already had a few PBR's and it took me twenty minutes to get operations flowing again. I now have a better appreciation of the phrase "Swearing like a drunken sailor." I need to get a moveon. NOAA just came out with a very busy hurricane season prediction. As long as we're predicting, I predict that NOAA will revise its prediction five times before the season ends. June 2nd 2010 The weekend past was a show and cruise-in weekend and I didn't get much done in the way of moving stuff. This week, I have ramped up some more by doubling the size of the lunchtime runs. I am also planning on using vacation days during the last week in June to make the deadline for vacating the Krash Pad. Friday, I met one of my warehouse neighbors, Shaundor, two bays down from me. He builds motorcycles and has a nice drill press and lathe. Shaundor said not to leave anything outside at nite. Vandals don't visit often, but they will if you leave stuff out to tempt them. June 16th 2010 Preparations for "The Revenge of the Tiki" car show hosted by the Saints and Sinners Car Club have put a bit of a damper on the moving operations in the past two weeks but I'm back on track now. The show is over and we had a good time. Now I'm on the final sprint to get moved out of the Krash Pad by the end of the month. Last nite, I arrived at the BillyBob Shop to find the overhead door latch jambed and I had to deal with that first to get Deerslayer inside. Did a little Deerslayer maintenance and spent the rest of the evening hoisting stuff into the loft.
July 1st 2010 I am out of the Krash Pad after twenty-four years. Now I remember why I don't move often. What a pain in the butt. I didn't quite get everything done. Magazines and computer stuff that was to go to the recycler are still in the apartment. I just ran out of time. I speculate that my landlord will have his all-purpose guatemalans remove the items and apply union rates against my deposit.
When I started this, my friend, Dave "the bartender" Earle, wrote me to tell me to organize things as I bring them into the new location. Good advice and I was following it up until the last few days when I ran out of time. Now, I have a lot of stuff on the shop floor. I will get it squared away in the next few weeks before I start phase 2 of the move. Phase 2 is clearing out BillyBob's Boca warehouse space so I can let that go and save almost three bills a month. I was so tired by the time I finished at the Krash Pad last nite that I didn't snap any parting photos. The biggest thing I won't miss is the six speed bumps going into and out of the Krash Pad. What a pain they have been over the years.
July 15th 2010 Okay, I've got most of the stuff up in the loft that I need to hoist up there and I'm getting organized on the shop floor. I need to get BillyBob limbered up next as he might become the daily driver again for a time. I might have to pull the head on Deerslayer in the near future and who knows how long that will take at my usual glacial pace. More on that in the next Deerslayer log entry.
You can email me at Issued Thursday July 15, 2010 Updated Tuesday April 10, 2018 copyright © 1996-2018 Larry Robert Kephart all rights reserved |