Travels with BillyBob Log |
WHAT'S NEW is a chronological listing of updates to the BillyBob site. TRUCK LINKS including vendor sites for old parts, custom parts, and tools as well as sites for classic car and truck organizations STORE Operating in association with Amazon.com, books, recordings and tools can be purchased. PLANNING for the restoration including project schedule and cost estimates. TRAVELS WITH BILLYBOB With apologies to Steinbeck, this area of BillyBob's Garage will be used to log the trips BillyBob and I make together. WORK-IN-PROGRESS is the restoration of parts of BillyBob that I can accomplish without a garage. PRE-RESTORATION includes log entries of minor repairs and and adventures between time of purchase and the time when I started restoration, a piece at a time. JR'S KORNER JR's Korner is the history of BillyBob before I got him authored by my brother, Wm. C. Kephart. BILLYBOB MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc. maintenance routines specifically developed for BillyBob, including required tools, materials and procedures. PARTS SHOP The Parts Shop is a repository of How-To articles. Things that I have done over and over enough times to have developed a procedure. This gives me a checklist and saves brain cells. STEALTH SHOP Urban residence design with large integrated shop and separate living quarters for a relative or renter. |
2. Pompano Beach Elks 5th Annual Car ShowSITREPThe Pompano Beach Elks Lodge BPOE 1989 has been hosting a car show for the last few years and it has gotten bigger every year. The location is only a few miles from the Krash Pad and I thought this year would be a good opportunity to expose BillyBob to his first show as a "Work-in-Progress" entry, if they have such a category. PRE Check
Around 2 PM, the judges started making their rounds. They didn't spend much time with BillyBob. I wuz afraid that the guy judging the paint might cut his fingers on the rust-thru's in BillyBob's fenders. We all gathered in the food/trophy shelter for the results and to get in out of the rain again. People's choice and best-of-show winner was an immaculate mopar, a '69 Dodge 440 6-Pack SuperBee. This thing was spotless and the owner drove it to the show. I didn't get pics of this car but it does have a webpage here. This car deserved all the awards it got.
POST Check
Drove home to the Krash Pad in the rain instead of going back up to the Krash Lab since it was along the route. They had less than thirty vehicles today and it was a real shame because in the past they've had upwards of 175 cars. The Irony is that this show had been postponed once in September because of the hurricanes criss-crossing over Florida. Oh well, if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. UPDATE 4/5/5 The young couple from Sweden I met above found the BillyBob website after they returned home and they e-mailed me some photos. Here are two pics of Anders' Barracuda (front back) looking better than when it left the factory. Our family's next door neighbor, Bill McCorkle, was a Chrysler sales rep when this car was new and he had one of these at his disposal for a few months. I remember it well. Petra sent a picture of her original Austin Mini Cooper pickup truck. I'd never seen one of these before and this beautiful example sent me off on a Internet search to learn a little more about it. Many thanx, Anders and Petra. |
You can email me at Issued Friday January 21, 2005 Updated Thursday January 5, 2017 copyright © 1996-2017 Larry Robert Kephart all rights reserved |