LINKS including vendor sites for parts and tools as well as
sites for old truck and hot rod organizations

WITH DEERSLAYER chronicles the day-by-day maintenance and
improvements episodes for Deerslayer, a '37 Chevy farm truck hot rod.
WITH DEERSLAYER Roadtrips, cruise-in's and truck show stories
and tall tales.
DUNGEON Tony Pascarella's forum entries at OldGMCtrucks.com
regarding Deerslayer, particularly the 302 GMC engine build in his
farmhouse basement.

MAINTENANCE Ever changing detailing, oil change, lube, etc.
maintenance routines specifically developed for Deerslayer, including
required tools, materials and procedures.
NAILHEAD Chronicles the rebuild of a 1954 Buick Roadmaster
322 nailhead engine as a future replacement for Deerslayer's Jimmy 302.
47. Back Bottom Bodywork
12th 2020
Started on the back bottom bodywork. The top still has a few flaws to
clean up requiring one more coat of paint but, I can still get started
on the next phase. Went over the rough bottom areas with Scotchbrite
cookies in the air angle grinder and gave the area the dawn dish soap
and water treatment. We're ready to spread some mud. Background music
was The Traveling Wilburys.
15th 2020
Time to install the new windshield. Pulled the windshield hinges down
off the shelf and gave them a two-day soak in the EvapoRust soup,
followed by PRE Paint Prep and a coat of Eastwood's Extreme Chassis
Black. Then the windshield assembly was fitted for new stainless steel
screws. Hinge to cab screws are #10-32 x 1/2" which I have in
inventory. Windshield frame screws for hinges and regulator are #8-32 x
3/8" . I don't have those so a McMaster-Carr order was initiated. Beer
of the day is Wild Ride Brewing's Hidden Trail NW Hazy Pale Ale.
18th 2020
Moving to the south wall in the organization and inventory ops. On the
wall is the ABC Fire extinguisher required by my new landlord with a
30" shop fan below. This is the detailing area of the BillyBob Shop. In
the corner is a entertainment center shelving unit my former landlord,
Jerry Zucker, found abandoned on the backside of the warehouse complex
on Christmas eve. He informed me about it in case I could use it. I
took Deerslayer back there and retrieved it.
On top is a cardboard box with ziplock baggies, wax paper,
aluminum foil, Seran wrap quick covers, Seran plastic wrap, steel wool
and soap pads. In the first tote is Black & White tire cleaner,
Rain-X, ArmorAll wipes, Lockease graphite lock fluid, Q-Tips, Curad
alcohol swabs and Krazy Kloth. In tote 2 is wheel cleaner, leather
conditioner, leather cleaner, Aerospace 303 cleaner, Scotchgard
upholstery cleaner, Archer electric cleaner spray.
On the top shelf is a cardboard box with sponges, assorted
scrub brushes, hose fittings, 2 chamois cloths. Also on the shelf is
vinegar, mineral oil, baking soda, petroleum jelly, ammonia, lighter
fluid, Bleche-wite tire cleaner, carpet stain and spot lifter, ArmorAll
spray and Meguiars protective wipes. Gunk engine cleaner, Eastwood
UnderGone degreaser, Meguiars Oxi-polish, Meguiars car odor eliminator,
Simple Green all-purpose cleaner and Extreme Simple Green aircraft and
precision cleaner, ZEP glass cleaner, and Oil Eater cleaner degreaser.
On the second shelf are gallon containers of tire mounting
lubricant, vinegar, Apex windshield washer fluid, Simple Green, Wash
Wax All cleaner and Wash Wax All degreaser.
On the third shelf is a 7" electric shop polisher with buffs
and compounds. Flitz ball and polish, Autosol polish, body clay and
terry towel pack. Spray blaster wand with connections for garden hose,
compressed air and degreaser reservoir. Also on the shelf is a long
handled scrub brush and California car duster.
On the bottom shelf is a 3 gallon container of Purple Power
degreaser, a small plastic bucket with assorted brushes and a multitude
of 12" wooden picks and rolls of Scot Shop Towels.
There were also a lot of products bought specifically for
"BettyLou", my parents '93 Chrysler Concorde, which has been scrapped
"Renegade" my '91 Jeep Wrangler which was sold. Those items were
discarded. Background music was from a Led Zeppelin box set.
22nd 2020
Installed the windshield hinges. Failed to note left and right during
removal. Noticed during cleaning that one side of each hinge had a
taller mounting leg. After some study, I made a WAG and installed them
with the tall legs to the outside. The wild ass guess was wrong and I
had to switch them. Getting the windshield positioned so I could start
the small hinge leaf screws was challenging as well. Took some salty
language to get the job done.
Attached the windshield frame to the hinge leaves at the top
and windshield regulator at the bottom. The hinge to windshield frame
screws were too short due to the hinge leaf thickness so another order
to McMaster-Carr was initiated. To paraphrase the old maxim "measure
twice and order once".
When the order arrives, I will remove each screw, one at a
time, and reinstall with threadlocker blue. Then I can put paid to this
task. Beer of the day was West Sixth Brewing's 6 Pennywile Pale Ale.
26th 2020
Rounding out the detailing area in the inventory and organization
operations, is a misc shelving unit with a Greenworks electric leaf
blower and face shield on top.
The first shelf has 2 boxes of 30 gal Glad Bags, a small parts
pan with a whisk broom, Raid flying insect killer and and and roach
killer sprays, 4 Ziploc containers with lids and a spare spray bottle.
Second shelf has two metal dust pans, large and small, and a small
feather duster. Third shelf has a first aid kit and scrub bucket.
Fourth shelf has a bag of cat litter and a bag of sawdust, both for oil
spill cleanups. The bottom shelf is currently vacant.
The detailing cart, given to me by my friend, Gato, contains a
12v mini car vacuum, ArmorAll brake dust repellent spray, Sonax
upholstery & alcantara cleaner, touch screen cleaner pads, Ticarve
dust cleaning gel, F11 Topcoat, Wash
Wax All cleaner and Wash Wax All degreaser spray bottles, ZEP glass
cleaner spray, a wheel spoke bottle brush and a Rain-X glass squeegee.
On the bottom shelf are microfiber towels.
Adjoining the shelving units is a high place duster, 5 gallon
used oil container, portable shop vacuum and a detailing seat with
detailing brush. Background music was a Steve Miller Band box set.
27th 2020
With the new windshield in place, I can reinstall the adjacent interior
items. The original windshield hinge cover is a thin sheet metal item,
rusted out at one end. Repair of this item is beyond my present skill
set. I got a fiberglass replacement hinge cover and wiper motor access
covers from Jeff at Bowtie bits. The hinge cover is a nice item, the
access covers, not so much. They will need some work due to uneven and
ragged edges.
Deerslayer's wiper motor was not made for this truck. It
worked fine but was too big for the hinge cover to conceal. It stuck
out of the access opening as a result. No big deal but I decided to
make a change for the rebuild. Ordered a wiper kit for the truck from
Chevy's of the forties and it is in transit . . . to the wrong
location. I've tried to let UPS know where I want it delivered but have
been unsuccessful thus far.
In the meantime, the a-post covers went in the EvapoRust soup
to clean the surface rust off their backsides. Beer of the day was Wild
Ride Brewing's Nut Crusher Peanut Butter Porter.
4th 2020
Filler and block sanding the back bottom of the cab. Three applications
of mud and sanding with 36 and 40 grit. I wear a dust mask and goggles
but as little as a half hour of these ops and I'm sneezin' and drippin'
for a few hours, one of the reasons I think "the new normal" of
wearing masks in public is mostly symbolic at best.
Not enuf defects to mix up another batch so I applied some
Bondo brand spot putty I had layin' around and sanded everything again
with 80 grit.
Washed the back bottom with Dawn soap and water, masked and
roughed up the door jambs and cab corner bottoms with a Scotchbrite pad
and PRE Paint prepped the same, then spray bombed them.
We're ready now for priming the bare metal patches and rolling
the first guide coats. Background music was The Moody Blues Time
Traveler box set.
8th 2020
Windshield wiper replacement arrived from Chevys of the Forties in a
round about way. I couldn't change the shipping address unless I signed
up for a data mining "membership" and I declined so I had to pick it up
at a UPS drop off point. The wiper motor is considerably more compact
in depth and will fit nicely behind the valance.
I fiddled around with the angled shaft spacers of the old
wiper, which I wanted to use, until I broke the outer one and abandoned
that idea. It was pot metal and, while securing it to drill it out
larger, I turned one piece of pot metal into three.
Then I installed the wiper motor with the jam nuts that came
with the kit and everything was fine. Ran the wires down thru the
A-piller and put the wiring diagram with the other dashboard items for
completion later down the road. Beer of the day was East Sixth
Brewing's 6 IPA India Pale Ale.
9th 2020
Moving East with the inventory / organization ops we come to a chest
and a trunk. Next to the trunk is a plastic trash can / scrub bucket.
On top of the chest is an Evac Pack SHTF bugout bag containing TP roll,
potable water bag, dust mask, cotton rounds, Q-tips, cocoon pocket size
sleeping bag, Ark personal care kit w/ food, water packets, space
blanket, candle, hand warmer, first aid kit, light stick and waterproof
matches. Red Cross hand crank radio / charger, 2" hundred mph tape,
soap bar, water purification tablets, LED key fob, ASE 60 fire escape
smoke hood, drop cloth, vinyl poncho, additional first aid kit,
potassium iodide tablets, nitrile gloves, swiss army knife, kleenex
pack, hand sanitizer, first aid instructions, mixing bottle, spring
loaded probe, whistle, CPR pocket mask, and a bite and sting kit.
The top chest contains domestic cleaning supplies for my least
favorite pastime. Enuf said.
The trunk, given to me by my maternal grandparents in the dim
mists of time, contains Deerslayer spare parts - two starter motors, 2
water pumps, distributor caps, wires and coils, both points and HEI
setups, radiator hoses, fan belt and a heater that my friend, John
Carey, found at a swap meet and gave to me.
Background music was Jimmy Driftwood's Americana box set.