13. Spiffin' up
October 18th 2010
I made some progress this past weekend and went to four events. Friday
nite's cruise-in at the Tower Shoppes was a good one. The weather was
great and rides came out that you don't see very often. I sat with my
friends Anthony and Gunsey most of the time. Saints and Sinners member
"Boneyard" showed up with mutual friend of the club, Matt, and I hung
with them after Anthony and Gunsey went home. Tattoo Dave and Model A
Dave also showed up.
On saturday, I made a warehouse run and performed monthly maintenance
on Deerslayer. Went to the Monterey Club on saturday nite to see the Koffin Kats from
Detroit. I like some psychobilly bands. The Koffin Kats were too psycho
and not enuf billy fer me. There was a lot of mosh pit action. I wish I
could be here in fifty years to watch these guys slamin' walkers and
wheelchairs into each other at the old age homes' saturday nite dances.
We had a lot of hotrods out front for a change and I hung out by the
rides with several other SnS members. I made it home around 2:30 am.
on the road again by 6:30 am to make the sunday morning coffee
cruise-in in Fort Lauderdale. Event organizers Bill Carroll and Rich
Martin are still out-of-town but there was a fairly good showing. A few
new faces were there as well as Gunsey and Jack Douglas from the
previous sunday.
In the afternoon, went up to the boss's house to work on
his cars for awhile. From there, I headed down to the sunday nite
cruise-in at Wahoo's in Lighthouse point. Home by ten and dead tired.
20th 2010 Last nite was
the opening cruise-in of the season for the Delray Classic Diamonds. It
was a bittersweet start. At the last show in may, none of us realized
that the group's founder, the robust Joe Garofalo, wouldn't be with us
this year. Joe was brought low by leukemia shortly after that last
show. He fought the cancer for three and a half months before it
finally got him. It was a big shock to the rest of us as he kept it
quiet and most of us didn't know about it until it was all over. We had
forty cars at the cruise-in last nite which was a memorial to Joe. His
wife Pam was there and his partner in the show events, Jean Lopane, is
working hard to keep the show going in his absence. We all miss Joe's
enthusiasm which included headlocks and tinny doowop music. My friend,
Anthony, attended for the first time and I reconnected with old truck
buddies, John Ray and Morgan Brown.
October 21st 2010
Deerslayer is tellin' me that I ain't movin' fast enuf in the spiffin'
up process. He has developed a tire leak in the driver side front tire.
I topped it off at 35 psi on saturday and last nite, four days later,
it was down to 15 psi. I topped off again. I haven't removed the tire
from the truck and, so far, I can't see, feel or hear the problem. The
remanufactured starter from Jim
Carter arrived today. Maybe if I install that on saturday,
Deerslayer will ease up on me a bit.
October 26th 2010
It was a lost weekend 'cept for the friday nite cruise and the sunday
morning cruise. I didn't get the new starter installed and the front
tire is still losing air at about 10 psi per day. The evil spell of the
dead starter parking space was broken yesterday. It took two tries to
start last nite in the space across the lot from the demon space.
October 27th 2010
The starter dead zone has spread. It happened last nite when I left the
Krash Lab and at the Outback in Delray Beach when I left the tuesday
nite cruise-in. Also happened this morning when I left the BillyBob
November 8th 2010
It's been a quiet week. I missed the friday nite cruise-in because I
felt that Deerslayer wasn't up to it due to the starter and tire leak
problems. I made it to the sunday morning cruise-in in Fort Lauderdale
and the sunday nite cruise-in in Lighthouse Point but missed the
tuesday nite Delray cruise-in. Haven't had a beer all week.
saturday morning, I put Deerslayer up on jackstands so I could get at
the bottom starter motor bolt. I'm gonna have to improve the task
lighting in the BillyBob Shop. That's about the only thing I miss from
working outside. I can't see worth spit most of the time.
starter has been hittin' the flat spot about half the time now and the
weird "only happens in one location" phenom is history. Still, the odds
of it happening that way must be in the "winning the lotto" or "being
struck by lightning" category. I'm gonna keep the old starter and see
if I can get around to re-building it for a roadtrip spare.
I have definitely been negligent in my engine detailing tasks with
Deerslayer. Need to get back to that. I don't know what paint Tony used
for the engine. I'm gonna take a guess and pick up a rattlecan of
Duplicolor Chevy Red. That should be close enuf. It's got some orange
in it. I'll test it on a piece of scrap metal.
Jim Carter 12v I6 replacement starter is slightly different than the
one that Tony pulled from "a rusted 56 Chevy car that was sinking into
the earth". The mechanical linkage is enclosed and the solenoid is a
bit different on the replacement starter but the business end that
meshes with the flywheel eyeballs okay. I hope it fits.
it's in. The top hex nut has very limited access. The only wrench I
have that will fit is open end with very little movement. Can't get
that as tight as I would like and, if I did, there would be the fear of
not being able to get it loose again. I left Deerslayer on the
jackstands, made shure he was in neutral, and applied juice to the
starter without the ignition on. It works! Okay. On to the tire leak
November 22nd 2010
I was not planning to attend the big Festival Fleamarket Fall Car Show
this year but events conspired against me. My friend Anthony Messuri
had pre-registered for the event and, because of emergency surgery, he
was not attending. He called the promoters and had the pre-registration
transfered to my name. It would put me in a bad light to refuse this
$25 gift so, I was committed to attending.
put out a shotgun email to the Saints and Sinners Car Club members to
see if any were going and if we could caravan to the show in order to
park together. This email set in motion a chain of events that
eventually led to a Saints and Sinners presence at the show. At Tattoo
Dave's request, I made a series of calls to members and friends of the
club who had running cars. Late saturday afternoon, I called club
member (and promoter) Russ Galiagano and he was able to set aside ten
spaces for us. On sunday morning, I met friends of the club, Joel and
Model A Dave at the morning breakfast cruise-in in Fort Lauderdale and
we convoyed to the show together. Tattoo Dave was already there with a
tent and club banner. I had brought chairs and a full cooler of Iron
City Beer. It was a good day, Not too hot and no rain.
November 26th 2010
Back to the tire leak. The other front tire has started to lose air
too. At first, I wondered if someone was playing a prank on me. I had
Deerslayer's front end up on jackstands yesterday for monthly
maintenance, quarterly
maintenance and a oil
change. I discovered a wood screw embedded in each front
tire. Damnation!
I also discovered the main leaf of the passenger side
front spring to be snapped in half! Double Damnation!
I suspect that this happened last sunday morning. On the way to the
sunday morning breakfast cruise-in, I heard a big bang when I hit a dip
in the road at an intersection in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea. Startled, I
attributed it to the three folding chairs in the pickup bed. Now, I'm
pretty sure that this was when the spring snapped. The steering has
been pulling slightly to the right this past week and that side of the
truck is slightly lower, if you look close. Looks like BillyBob will
become the daily driver for awhile, oil leaks be damned.
29th 2010 Well, I
didn't make it to the friday cruise-in at the Tower Shoppes. I didn't
feel comfortable driving either truck that far. Saturday was spent
puttering around the BillyBob Shop getting BillyBob ready to be a daily
driver again. My friend, Paul O'Keefe, is back in town and he stopped
by for the BillyBob Shop "nickle tour". Sunday morning, I took
Deerslayer down to the sunday morning breakfast cruise-in but noone was
there. Most of the regulars were up at the Turkey Rod Run in Daytona
and the rest were deterred by morning showers, I suppose. About ten
o'clock, Deerslayer and I went to the "I didn't go to Daytona" Turkey
Soup Rod Run in Lighthouse Point, only a few miles from the BillyBob
a couple of passing showers, It turned out to be a nice show with about
fifty rides showing up to be judged. Two trucks I hadn't seen before
were an old Willy's drag truck and a mid-thirties Chevy tall cab hot
rod. Deerslayer got an award and I managed not to drink too much beer.
Deerslayer and I were back home by eight in the evening.
6th 2010 Haven't
decided on which way I'm goin' on the front spring problem yet.
BillyBob was the daily driver last week. I'm tryin' to cut down on my
show attendence with limited success. Went to the Delray tuesday nite
cruise-in with BillyBob. Didn't go to the friday nite Tower Shoppes
cruise-in. Saints and Sinners club president, Rob, called me to let me
know we were putting in a club appearance at the mega "Christmas Toys in the Sun Run"
show on sunday. With that in mind, I took Deerslayer down to the
Monterey Club on saturday afternoon for a car wash.
Kreepy Kittens pinup gals were having a car wash to make some costume
money. I had them give Deerslayer the treatment. He gets more action
than I do. One of the gals (not in the pic) in a white top brushed up
against the truck while doing the roof and ended up with a
strategically placed red dot on her top. After Deerslayer dried off, I
headed back up to the BillyBob Shop.
sunday morning, I drove BillyBob down to the breakfast cruise-in. Many
of the regulars were back and Paul O'Keefe made his first appearance
with his chopped and channeled '47 ferd ragtop. After that, went back
to the BillyBob Shop to exchange trucks. We were to take a toy with us
to donate at the toy run and I was running late so I grabbed one I had
lyin' around the shop and cleaned it up. Met up with Saints and Sinners
and friends of the club down at the Monterey Club at eleven.
us an hour to get squared away and underway. Traffic was heavy due to
the fact that I-95 is shut down for this show so that thousands of
harleys can parade to the event. We weren't entering the car show with
our rides, just walkin' the show with VIP passes Rob had obtained for
us from one of the radio station sponsors. We got in and they gave us a
place to park where we could get all our rides together with the
motorcycles in the background.
this point, my choice of toy, a musket cap pistol, didn't seem like a
good idea. I didn't have a bag so it was stickin' out of my back
pocket. This would have been a non-issue back in the fifties when I
grew up, but not today. I credit the professionalism of the Broward
County Sheriff's Department who were manning the two checkpoints we had
to go thru. They gave the cap pistol a glance but nothing more. If it
was the TSA, I could have gotten a warning shot thru my liver.
VIP passes afforded us free beer and food and the highlight of the day
which was a set by the Charlie Daniels Band. It was a great show and,
as many know, Charlie is patriotic and injects that feeling into his
performances. He had us all reciting the pledge to the flag, loudly and
proudly. After Charlie's set, we headed back to the rides and raided
the cooler until traffic died away. Went back to the Monterey Club and
split up. I was home again, tired, by eight in the evening.
10th 2010 I took the
day off yesterday to try to determine who parked a semi-trailer in
front of the BillyBob Shop. While I was waiting for somebody to do
something with the trailer, I pulled Deerslayer's front passenger side
tire to remove the screw and repair it. I got a better view of the
current state of the broken leaf suspension.
found the screw and marked it with tape so I wouldn't lose track of the
hole. Unscrewed the screw and let the air out of the tire. Followed the
simple pictogram instructions that came with the repair kit, trimmed
the plug and re-filled the tire with air up to 40 lbs. Stuck tire in
the leak tester tub for a couple of hours. This step wasn't necessary
but I bought the tub before I found the screw and, having bought it,
was damn shure gonna use it. This was the first time I had a wheel off
Deerslayer and the chrome lugnuts are too big for the 3/4" socket I use
on BillyBob. It took a 21mm socket. I had a 21mm, 6pt socket from doin'
work on Renegade a while
back. Damn few times I get to re-use a tool I buy for that Jeep.
December 14th 2010
Went to the sunday morning cruise-in and that's about it for this week.
Cold weather is rolling thru in waves and I've not been doin' much more
than tinkering around the BillyBob Shop. Got BillyBob up on jackstands
dealing with the rear main seal and Deerslayer is waiting for his new
springs to arrive. It's a lull and it's time to post an episode. Have a
merry Christmas and a happy new year, everyone.