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Stump the Puzzler

Message Log 07.22.1998


QI want to share a printer Gerard Meij 07.22.1998
AFollow these steps Larry Kephart 08.12.1998



Date: 07.22.1998
Author: Gerard Meij (
Subject: I want to share a printer
Problem: I want to share a printer which is connected to a PC on the
LPT! port, The PC is a network client and I want to be able to print
on the connected printer via other network clients, They're all
windows 95 PC"s Can I make a share and use pathnames on the other
clients to the shared printer to use the printer? Thank you for any
comments you would like to share with me


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Date: 08.12.1998
Author: Larry Kephart ( )
Subject: Follow these steps
Hi Gerard,

First, let me apologize for how late this reply is. I'm really sorry. I can
only hope you have figured this out for yourself by now, or found help that
was more prompt somewhere else. If not, here's what you have to do:

Step 1: Enable sharing on the host machine (the one with the printer
attached to it). Your message indicated this machine was a Windows 95
Client. You must also install the "File and printer sharing for Microsoft
Networks" Network Component for this machine. I show how to do this step-by
-step here:

Step 2: Setup the printer for sharing. I show how to do that here:

Step 3: Install the printer on each of the other Windows 95 machines. You
go to the Windows 95 Printers Folder and install the printer the same way
it was installed on the host machine. When the "Add Printer Wizard" gets to
the "How is this printer attached to your computer?" Screen, select the
"Network printer" Radio Button. In the next Screen you are asked for
"Network path or queue name". You can type in "\\ComputerName\PrinterName"
where "ComputerName" is the MS Networking Computer Name for the host
computer and "PrinterName" is the share name for the printer from step 2
above. An easier way is to use the "Browse" Button to find the printer you
want to connect to via the "Network Neighborhood". Print a test page at the
end of the process.

That's pretty much all there is to it, unless you have a printer that needs
specialized proprietary software in addition to the above. (I have a
LexMark printer that wouldn't work across the network until downloaded a
spooler module and installed it on the host machine, for example). In that
case, I'd check the printer manufacturer's web site.

Hope this helps. Or better yet, I hope you already have things up and

I Remain,
L. R. Kephart
LAROKE Microcomputer Consultants
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