BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU http://www.bbbonline.org BBBOnLine is a new program of The Better Business Bureau system, created with the support and assistance of our Founding Sponsors. The program is designed to help consumers identify online marketers who have met Better Business Bureau standards for customer service and marketplace ethics. |
BIZRATE.COM  http://www.bizrate.com/ BizRate.com is the first and only truly independent, comprehensive shopping resource dedicated to helping shoppers quickly and easily find quality, safe shops on the Web that best meet their needs. |
BLACK BOX ON-LINE CATALOG http://www.blackbox.com/ BLACK BOX is a globally recognized brand name associated with high quality data communication and connectivity products. |
BOTTOMDOLLAR.COM  http://www.bottomdollar.com/ The Bottom Dollar Shopping Agent offers a comprehensive, easy to use, easy to access, and secure way for consumers to shop the Web by enabling them to quickly & easily compare key decision factors such as price and availability on an extensive selection of products from the top Internet merchants. |
CHUMBO - THE ULTIMATE SOURCE http://www.chumbo.com/chumbo/chumbo.asp Chumbo Corporation is a privately held company founded in April of 1997 in Minneapolis, Minnesota by a group of PC industry innovators just looking for a place to buy the best products at the lowest prices. |
COMPUSA ONLINE http://www.compusa.com/ CompUSA Online is a bold new service from CompUSA. America's Largest Computer Superstore. |
COMPUTER SHOPPER http://www.computershopper.com www.computershopper.com is brought to you by Computer Shopper, the #1 magazine for people who purchase computer products "direct" -- online or through mail order from manufacturers and resellers. |
CONSUMER WORLD http://www.consumerworld.org/ Consumer World® has gathered over 1700 of the most useful consumer resources on the Internet, and categorized them here for easy access. |
CYBERIAN OUTPOST http://www.outpost.com/ Whether you're in the market for Mac or PC hardware and applications, you'll find it all at the Cyberian Outpost. This online computer store offers detailed product information, reviews, and photos of an extensive selection that rivals that of the biggest superstore. Order online or by phone. |
DATACAL CORPORATION http://www.datacal.com/ Manufacturer of a wide variety of computer efficiency products to your exact specifications. Whether it is a set of custom keys to make your work easier or a custom mouse pad to promote your company, DataCal staff can help you plan, design, and manufacture the product you need. |
LYBEN COMPUTER SYSTEMS http://www.lyben.com/ Lyben Computer Systems is one source for Qualtiy Computer Supplies & Accessories. |
OFFICEMAX ONLINE http://www.officemax.com/ OfficeMax OnLine is an exciting retail concept from OfficeMax, one of the country's largest and fastest growing operators of high volume, deep-discount office products superstores. OfficeMax opened its first store in suburban Cleveland, Ohio, on July 5, 1988, and in less than ten years has grown to one of America's largest specialty retailers with over 500 superstores in 44 states from coast to coast including Puerto Rico. |
PAPER DIRECT ONLINE http://www.paperdirect.com/ From Brochures to Certificates, Theme & Fun Papers to Invitiations, and Post Cards to Labels, Paper Direct has the designs and paper formats you need to make fabulous communication materials. |
PC CONNECTION http://www.pcconnection.com/ PC Connection, Inc., is a leading, privately held catalog reseller of computers, software, and peripherals to individuals, corporations, educational and government institutions. The company has two divisions-PC Connection and MacConnection. |
PC ZONE http://www.zones.com/PC_Zone/Default_PC.htm Multiple Zones International is a leading catalog retailer of brand name microcomputer hardware, software, accessories and peripheral products for users of both the PC/Windows and Mac operating systems. Complementing a strong domestic presence, the Company has international operations through subsidiaries and licensees located in 27 foreign countries worldwide. |
32BIT.COM http://www.32bit.com/ The 32bit OS Center! Software Archive with freeware, shareware and demos. Discussion Forums with help and advice, tips and tricks, questions and answers. Pipeline News with 32-bit software news, rumors and tips. |
3DHARDWARE.NET  http://www.3dhardware.net/ 3DN is a network of websites that are dedicated to 3D acceleration technology and the 'scene' around it. 3DHARDWARE.NET is dedicated to hardware related information like product reviews and FAQ's. |
ALL ABOUT THE WINDOWS 95 REGISTRY http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/2857/ The registry stores virtually all of the custom data that Windows 95 and Windows NT use. Every time a program starts and every time Windows performs an operation, the registry fills in all of the variables with your PC's custom settings. This site was designed to give people a general insight into how the Windows 95 registry works. This site is maintained by Neil McQuarrie. |
BIOS SURVIVAL GUIDE http://www.lemig.umontreal.ca/bios/bios_sg.htm BIOS settings are a frequent problem asked about in several hardware related newsgroups. Did you ever experience a system lock up or poor performance and erratic behavior due to improper BIOS settings? Have you ever been left in the dark by a cryptic 5 page, badly written motherboard manual? The answer is probably yes. Here are some answers. Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Phil Croucher. |
BUGNET http://www.bugnet.com Global Resource for PC Bugs, Glitches, Incompatibilities... and their Fixes. |
CINDY'S PLACE WINDOWS 95 PAGE http://www.clark.net/pub/cindy/win95.html A wealth of links to Windows sites. Cindy Smith also provides many links to HTML validator, magazine, software, search engine, and other Internet resources at her site. |
COMPLETELY FREE SOFTWARE  http://www.completelyfreesoftware.com/ Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch. On the following pages there are links to a selection of completely free – and legal! – Win/DOS software (though some are only free for private and educational use). |
COMPUTER VIRUS MYTHS HOME PAGE http://kumite.com/myths/ Many myths have surfaced about the threat of computer "viruses." There are myths about how widespread they are, how dangerous they are, and even myths about what a computer virus really is. This site wants you to know the facts. |
DON 5408 http://members.aol.com/don5408/aptiva.html Hi! My name is DON5408. This website is dedicated to my hobby "UnOfficial" IBM Aptiva Support. |
DRIVERS HEADQUARTERS http://www.drivershq.com/ DriversHQ was formed for everyone who has searched the WWW for new and updated drivers for their hardware. The people responsible for Drivers HQ wanted to make a well organized, easy to use site to get you the updated drivers that you need. |
FILEZ http://www.filez.com/ Filez weekly scans thousands of ftp sites around the world and creates a catalog of all the files they contain. This catalog is then made searchable using state of the art servers with most searches taking less than 1 second! (Most delay you might see in your browser is actually the network transferring the data.) Much as the popular web search engines (Infoseek, Yahoo, etc.) create an index of web servers, Filez creates an index of ftp servers. Currently, Filez is the only commercial search engine which gives users access to the important data on FTP servers. |
FRANK CONDRON'S WORLD O'WINDOWS http://www.conitech.com/windows/index.asp Frank's World O'Windows is a collection of useful news, resources, and tips about Microsoft's current and future versions of Windows, including Windows 95®, Windows 98® and Windows NT®. |
HEALTHY PC http://www.zdnet.com/zdhelp/hpc/ (The Help Channel) Valuable tips and tricks, plus expert advice, about maintaining, optimizing and troubleshooting your PC. |
THE HARDWARE BOOK  http://sunsite.tut.fi/hwb/hwb.html Welcome to the Hardware Book. Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions. Created and maintained by Joakim Ögren. |
IBM ANTIVIRUS ONLINE http://www.av.ibm.com/current/FrontPage/ IBM and Symantec Corporation have combined forces to jointly develop and deliver a family of anti-virus products under the Norton AntiVirus brand name. The family will include new products for IBM platforms, and will merge technology from both IBM and Symantec, including IBM's patented Immune System technology. |
INFINISOURCE WINDOWS 95/98 http://www.infinisource.com/win95.htm NetPro NorthWest Windows 95 Support. An Eclectic collection of Windows 95/98 information and links. |
INTEL SECRETS http://www.x86.org/ What Intel doesn't want you to know. The Intel Secrets web site is proud to announce no affiliation with Intel. |
JENSON TOOLS  http://www.jensentools.com/ Jensen Tools Inc. is the foremost catalog supplier of tool kits and cases. For more than 30 years, Jensen has been the leading source for these items, as well as tools, test instruments and other products and equipment needed by technicians and service personnel in electronics and communications industries. We also carry specialized and hard-to-find items, some of which are exclusive to the source. |
KIM KOMMANDO'S KOMPUTER KLINIC http://www.komando.com/ Get ready to rely on the ideal companion for your personal computer - The Komputer Klinic! The Komputer Klinic strives to help people use their computers with answers, tips, insider secrets and information written in plain everyday language. |
LOCKERGNOME http://www.lockergnome.com/ Keeping up-to-date with the newest Windows 95/98/NT & ‘Net stuff is a full-time job--so let Lockergnome do the work for you! |
MICRO 2000 http://www.micro2000.com Micro2000, Inc. is the developer of the award winning Microscope and Post Probe software and hardware diagnostic tools. |
MODEM DOCTOR HOME PAGE http://www.modemdoctor.com/ Modem Doctor is the premier modem/uart system utility for MS-DOS and Windows based computer systems. |
MOTHERBOARD HOMEWORLD  http://www.motherboards.org/ Find What You're Looking for at the Motherboard HomeWorld. So you're a newbie to motherboard technology, shopping, installation, or configuration? That's no crime! Let's start with some of the basics. |
NONAGS http://nonags.com/ NONAGS Freeware Shareware World Center. The best place to find 32-bit software for the Windows platform. |
PCLT EXIT RAMP http://pclt.cis.yale.edu/pclt/default.htm PC Lube and Tune is a Service Station and convenience store at Exit 130.132 on the National Information Highway. An ordinary Service Station provides gas, sodas, repairs, maps, and advice. The PCLT objective is to supply usable introductions, tutorials, and education on technical subjects to the large audience of computer users. The method is to supply system independent hypertext files through the Internet and World Wide Web. This site is maintained by Howard Gilbert. |
PC MECHANIC http://pcmech.pair.com/ Great PC site with emphasis on hardware, including a build your own PC tutorial. |
THE PC TECHNOLOGY GUIDE  http://www.pctechguide.com/ 'The PC Technology Guide' was launched in April 1998. It covers the PC's major internal components and peripheral devices and, as its name implies, is more concerned with PC technologies than products - and at present just hardware technology. Topics are covered at the overview rather than detailed technical level and the guide is aimed more at the PC hobbyist than the IT professional. This site has been developed and is maintained by Dave Anderson. |
PC WEBOPAEDIA http://webopedia.internet.com/ The PC Webopædia is a leading source for accurate, up-to-date information about personal computers |
THE REF  http://theref.aquascape.com/theref.html The purpose of this site is to provide you with the specifications and setup information you'll need to install storage peripherals, such as Hard Drives, Optical Drives, Floppy Drives, and Controllers/Host Adapters. |
THE SANDPILE.ORG  http://www.sandpile.org/ The world's leading source for pure technical 80x86 processor information. |
SLIPSTICK SYSTEMS EXCHANGE CENTER http://www.slipstick.com/exchange/ The place to go for tips and links on Microsoft's e-mail applications. |
SUPPORT HELP http://www.supporthelp.com/ SupportHelp.com is your one-stop-shop for locating Contact Information for Hardware and Software manufacturers. Technical Support telephone numbers, Email Addresses and direct Web-Site hotlinkage are only a swift click away. SupportHelp.com Your Virtual World Life Preserver |
SYMANTEC ANTIVIRUS RESEARCH CENTER - VIRUS HOAXES http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/hoax.html Although there are thousands of viruses discovered each year, there are still some that only exist in the imaginations of the public and the press. This is the comprehensive list of viruses that DO NOT EXIST, despite rumor of their creation and distribution. |
SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION http://www.sysopt.com/ PC Hardware and Performance Guide including Performance Related Information, Product Evaluation and Exchange, General Information, and System Component Information. |
THE PC GUIDE http://www.pcguide.com/index.htm This site was created to be a comprehensive, general resource on IBM-compatible personal computers, for the good of the Internet community. Charles Kozierok's goal has been to create a large body of independent information that could be used by anyone who had an interest in PCs to help build their understanding of PC systems, and enable them to get more from their machine. Mr. Kozierok wants anyone from the total newbie to the accomplished expert to view The PC Guide as a place they can turn for accurate, complete and objective information. |
THE TECH PAGE http://www.blue-planet.com/tech/index.html
Jumpers and Specifications for Every Drive Ever Made. |
TOM'S HARDWARE GUIDE http://www.sysdoc.pair.com/ This Page is designed to help and explain all the important hardware aspects of a modern Pentium/Pentium Pro machine. It should be helpful to beginners as well as to experienced computer users to make you able to understand how your computer works and how you can increase its performance. |
THE All WINDOWS INFORMATION PAGE http://www.plazaone.com/allwindows/ Here you'll find information on system requirements and installation; bug fixes, updates, enhancements and add-ons from Microsoft; third-party utilities for system maintenance, recovery and enhancement; links to other pages, software sites and articles. |
TUNEUP.COM http://www.tuneup.com/ Like your car, your PC needs regular tune-ups to keep it running smoothly and protect it from crashes, viruses, and more. Were the one-stop, online PC service station to help you keep your PC "tuned-up" (Windows 95 PC's only). |
WIM'S BIOS PAGE http://www.ping.be/bios/ Detailed PC BIOS Information site created and maintained by Wim Bervoets. |
WINDOWS 95 ANNOYANCES http://www.annoyances.org/win95/ This page contains a list of annoying "features" of Windows 95, and workarounds for most of them. This is meant as a forum for intermediate to advanced users who seek answers to annoying questions or have helpful tips they wish to share with others. |
WINDOWS PATCHES AND UPDATES  http://winpatch.wgz.org/ Annoyed with Microsoft's insistence upon requiring cookies to access Windows patches (and their awful HTML), Brett T Warden wrote a program to retrieve the list of patches, clean up the HTML, and present it in static HTML, automatically updated daily. This is the result. |
WINDRIVERS.COM  http://www.windrivers.com/ We have more drivers than any other site in the free world and if we don't have a driver, we find it by any means possible, any means! |
WINFILES.COM http://www.winfiles.com/ Formerly The purpose of the Windows95.com site was to provide explanations, software, and information about Microsoft Windows 95. It has been expanded to include Windows NT, Windows 98, and Windows CE, and has been renamed WinFiles.com. |
YOUR BASIC HARDWARE PAGE  http://www.lessonplanspage.com/computer/ This site is NOT meant for professional hardware users, however, they may benefit from the site and hardware recommendations as well. This site IS designed for amateur computer users, computer tweakers, and anyone looking for tips before purchasing a new computer or new computer parts. |
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL http://rights.amnesty.org/ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed on 10 December 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. It sets out everyone's rights in the form of a preamble and thirty separate articles, or rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the inherant dignity and equal unalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace throughout the world. |
ANTIONLINE http://www.antionline.com/ "A Rick's Cafe in the Casablanca world of hacking." - ABC News. Our goal is to make the general public aware of the need for computer security, and the need to have individuals who make sure that "secure" really means, "secure". |
BOYCOTT MICROSOFT http://www.vcnet.com/bms/ Say "No" to monopolies. Support Competition, Free Markets and Innovation. |
CAUCE RESOURCES http://www.cauce.org/resources.html Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email Anti-Spam Resources page: A list of links to sites devoted to spam-fighting and related activities here. This is where to start if you're not sure what all this stuff means! |
CIAC SECURITY WEB SITE http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/CIACHome.html CIAC is the U.S. Department of Energy's Computer Incident Advisory Capability. Established in 1989, CIAC provides computer security services to employees and contractors of the United States Department of Energy. |
CYBERANGELS http://www.cyberangels.org/ CyberAngels is an all-volunteer Internet safety organization founed in June of 1995 by senior members of the world famous crime prevention and community safety organization, The International Alliance of Guardian Angels. |
ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CENTER http://www.epic.org/ EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values. |
HATEWATCH http://hatewatch.org/ HateWatch is a web based organization that monitors the growing and evolving threat of hate group activity on the Internet. Started in 1996, HateWatch provides an online resource for concerned individuals, academics, activists and the media to keep abreast of and to combat online bigotry. |
HELPWIZ http://www.helpwiz.com/ Reliable online research sources, definitions included. |
INTERNET FRAUD WATCH http://www.fraud.org/ifw.htm The Internet Fraud Watch section of the National Fraud Information Center Web site provides tips, articles, bulletins and other information that you can use to avoid fraud, protect your privacy, and navigate the Net safely and enjoyably. |
INTERNET SCAMBUSTERS http://www.scambusters.org/ Internet ScamBusters is a FREE electronic newsletter (zine) to help you protect yourself from Internet scams, misinformation and hype. |
INTERNIC WHOIS SERVICE http://rs.internic.net/index.html InterNIC Directory and Database Services provides a unified access point to the two official Internet WHOIS servers for person and organization queries. |
THE LONG NOW FOUNDATION http://www.longnow.org/ CIVILIZATION is revving itself into a pathologically short attention span. The trend might be coming from the acceleration of technology, the short-horizon perspective of market-driven economics, the next-election perspective of democracies, or the distractions of personal multi-tasking. All are on the increase. Some sort of balancing corrective to the short-sightedness is needed . . . some mechanism or myth which encourages the long view and the taking of long-term responsibility, where "long-term" is measured at least in centuries. The Long Now Foundation proposes both a mechanism and a myth . . . a 10,000-year Clock, with an information service to match. |
MAILLIST.COM http://www.maillist.com/hotlists.htm All you ever wanted to know about Maillists brought to you by the Monte Cristo Network, providers of quality Internet Reference information for free!!! |
RISKS FORUM http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/ Forum On Risks To The Public In Computers And Related Systems. ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator. |
SLASHDOT.ORG  http://slashdot.org/ News for nerds. Stuff that matters. |
THE YEAR 2000 INFORMATION CENTER  http://www.year2000.com/ The Year 2000 Information Center™ provides a forum for disseminating information about the year 2000 problem, also called the Millennium Bug, and for the discussion of possible solutions. |
THE ALERTBOX: CURRENT ISSUES IN WEB USABILITY http://www.useit.com/alertbox/ Bi-weekly column by Jakob Nielsen, Sun Microsystems Distinguished Engineer. |
BOBBY http://www.cast.org/bobby Bobby is an easy to use program that will help you make web pages accessible to those with disabilities. It will also find HTML compatibility problems that prevent pages from displaying correctly on different web browsers. |
DEVELOPER SHED http://www.devshed.com/ Tools to build a better website. |
DOCTOR HTML http://www2.imagiware.com/RxHTML Doctor HTML is a Web page analysis tool which retrieves an HTML page and reports on any problems that it finds. The primary focus of this tool is to provide a clear, easy-to-use report of information that is relevant for improving your Web page. |
HTML GOODIES http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ This site contains HTML primers and tutorials, Images, JAVA applets and scripts, and more created and maintained by Joe Burns Ph.D. |
HTML WRITERS GUILD http://www.hwg.org The first international organization of World Wide Web page authors and Internet Publishing professionals. Guild members have access to resources including: HTML and Web business mailing lists, information repositories, and interaction with their peers. |
NET MECHANIC http://www.netmechanic.com/ Let our robots tune your Web site. Free! Our robots will search your site to find broken links, spot bad HTML tags, and rate your server's response time. |
PIXELSIGHT GRAPHICS http://www.pixelsight.com A great site for building your own web graphics. |
SEARCH ENGINE TUTORIAL http://www.northernwebs.com/set/ The Search Engine Tutorial for Web Designers explains, how to design your pages, keeping the search engines in mind, and why it is necessary to do so. |
THE WEB ROBOTS PAGES http://info.webcrawler.com/mak/projects/ robots/robots.html Web Robots are programs that traverse the Web automatically. Some people call them Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders. These pages have further information about these Web Robots. |
WEBLINT GATEWAYS http://www.cre.canon.co.uk/~neilb/ weblint/gateways.html Weblint is a syntax and minimal style checker for HTML: a Perl script which picks fluff off html pages. A Weblint gateway is an HTML form which lets you type in a URL and have it checked by weblint without having to install weblint locally. |
WEBMONKEY http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/ An elegant website of web design howto information for geek and neophyte alike. |
WEBTV NETWORKS DEVELOPERS DOCUMENTATION http://developer.webtv.net/ This site details WebTV's suggestions and recommendations for creating Web pages that will be viewed on television. |