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Message Log 04.28.1998


QWangDAT tape drive malfunction Mick Manson 04.26.1998
AYou're probably on the right track Larry Kephart 04.28.1998
AThanks for your reply Mick Manson 05.02.1998



Date: 04.28.1998
Author: Mick Manson (
Subject: WangDAT tape drive malfunction
Problem:      I have been successfully using a Wangdat 3100 for
backups for a number of years now. Under Windows 3.1, I used PC Tools and
when I switched to Windows 95, I used HP Colorado. When I bought ADAPTEC
EZSCSI 4, I used that, as it had better support for the Wangdat drive.

About 2 months ago it stopped working, in that I could no longer format
tapes. After a long while with nothing happening, I got a message that
there had been an invalid SCSI command. I could still write to tapes that
had been formatted. I tried another program NovaBack, with the same

Following a tip in a newsgroup, I replaced the Aix78xx.mpd file with an
older version, and this improved matters, in that I could format, but any
backup would produce 2 errors, and the backup is not correct, in that I
cannot read it. I replaced the Aix78xx.mpd file by simply copying over it.

I am fairly certain the problem is a software one. I have swapped out the
DAT drive and the problem persists. I have tried my drive on a Windows 3.11
PC using PC Tools and it works fine.

Have you come across a similar problem to this in the past, and is there
any advise you could give me?


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Date: 04.28.1997
Author: Larry Kephart ( )
Subject: You're probably on the right track
Hi Mick,

I think you're on the right track suspecting software problems. Let me make
some assumptions here that weren't apparent in your message. I'll assume
that when you tried the WangDAT on the other PC (Windows 3.11 using PC
Tools), you also used the same SCSI host adapter and SCSI cable that you
are using on the machine that is malfunctioning. If not, we cannot rule out
hardware problems, specifically cables (the most common cause of SCSI
difficulties, I'm told).

Also, can you recall any changes to your system just prior to the
malfunction manifestation which might give some further clues as to why a
previously working application suddenly quit on you.

My next move in this particular type of situation (allowing that my
hardware assumptions above are correct) would be to uninstall the EZSCSI 4,
Scandisk, Defrag, Reboot, then reinstall the EZSCSI 4 application.

Please respond with any more thoughts you might have on this
"headscratcher". Let me know what happens so I can post it here for future
travelers to this site. My apologies if nothing in my response is new or
useful to you.

I Remain,
L. R. Kephart
LAROKE Microcomputer Consultants
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Date: 05.02.1998
Author: Mick Manson (
Subject: Thanks for your reply
Hi Larry,

Thanks for your reply. I am quoting a fair bit as I am sure you must 
reply to many and may have forgotten what you wrote.

> I think you're on the right track suspecting software problems. Let me make
> some assumptions here that weren't apparent in your message. I'll assume
> that when you tried the WangDAT on the other PC (Windows 3.11 using PC
> Tools), you also used the same SCSI host adapter and SCSI cable that you are
> using on the machine that is malfunctioning. If not, we cannot rule out
> hardware problems, specifically cables (the most common cause of SCSI
> difficulties, I'm told).

No. When I tried another DAT drive (a Python as opposed to my 
Wangdat), I had to use another cable. Since the problem first 
started, I have upgraded from an AHA1542CF to an AHA2940UW (and had 
to change the cable). The Wangdat works on the 3.11 PC using an 
AHA1520 and DOS (and yet another cable).

> Also, can you recall any changes to your system just prior to the
> malfunction manifestation which might give some further clues as to why a
> previously working application suddenly quit on you.

No, I made quite a few before I noticed this problem :-(

> My next move in this particular type of situation (allowing that my hardware
> assumptions above are correct) would be to uninstall the EZSCSI 4, Scandisk,
> Defrag, Reboot, then reinstall the EZSCSI 4 application.

I have re-installed it a few times, but did not do the defrag, 
reboot, and also Regclean thing. I have done this now, still no luck.

> Please respond with any more thoughts you might have on this
> "headscratcher". Let me know what happens so I can post it here for future
> travelers to this site. My apologies if nothing in my response is new or
> useful to you.

It looks like I shall have to contact Adaptec. I am sure the problem 
lies with them, and with thier drivers. I shall advise you of any 
positive outcome.

Mick Manson


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