Stump the Puzzler

Message Log 08.20.1997

QWindows 95 Network Setup Jim K 08.19.1997
AYou're Halfway There Larry Kephart 08.20.1997


Date: 08.19.1997
Author: Jim K (
Subject: Windows 95 Network Setup
Problem:      HI I am trying to install 2 pcs as a peer to peer
network in win 95 , I installed the protocols ,client for networks ,
file sharing etc but no results what am I doing wrong


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Date: 08.20.1997
Author: Larry Kephart ( )
Subject: You're Halfway There
Hi Jim,

I think you're on the right track. You're just not finished yet. Setting up
the Windows Peer-to-Peer networking is basically a three-step process: 1)
setup the network adapters and cabling, 2) Install (and configure) the
protocols, client, and resource sharing, and 3) configure the resources
(drives and printers) for the various PCs on the network for sharing.

You didn't mention the network adapters and cabling, so I'll assume you
have them installed and working. Once you have the protocols, client, and
resource sharing installed in Windows Network Dialog, you must configure
them. From your message, I think this is where you are at in the process.
First, in the "Network" dialog, under the configuration tab, choose "Client
for Microsoft Networks" and click the "Properties" button. Choose the
"Logon and restore network connections" radio button under the general tab
and click the "OK" button. Back at the "Network" dialog, click the
"Identification" tab and enter a Computer name and Workgroup (if you
haven't already done this). It's best to stick with a computer name
conforming to DOS filename conventions for backward compatibility with
older programs which may choke on spaces and more than eight characters.
Both your computers must be assigned to the same Workgroup to "see" each
other. Under the "Access Control" tab, click the "Share-level access
control" radio button. The rest of the defaults in the Network dialog
should be ok. Click the OK button and let Windows restart, if it wants to.
Perform this process for both machines.

The final step is to setup each individual network resource for sharing.
Back at the Windows 95 Desktop open up the "My Computer" icon. If you want
to have your C: drive available to the other PC, right-click the drive C:
icon. You should now see a "Sharing" menu item. Choose Sharing and click
the "Shared As" radio button in the resulting dialog. Enter a share name
for drive C: (once again DOS conventions work best for compatibility), and
choose the "Full" radio button under "Access Type". If you enter a
password, you will be prompted for it everytime the other PC tries to
connect to this drive, so unless you have need the security, leave the
password empty for convenience. Click the OK button. After the screen
refreshes, the drive C: icon in the "My Computer" window should now have a
"hand" under it indicating sharing is enabled. If you have a printer
attached to the PC, and you want to share it, go to your "Printers" folder
and right-click the local printer you want to share. It should have a
"Sharing menu item" just like drive C: did. The process is similar to
setting up drive resources. Perform these steps on both machines and reboot
both machines when you are finished.

You should now see the shared resources in "Network Neighborhood" on each
PC. Not all programs will work with Network Neighborhood, so for older
programs you will have to "map" the drives and printers. This will "fool"
the programs into believing the resources are local.

This process is explained in some detail in my "In the Trenches Cyberdate
04.19.1997 (Moving the HAL 9000)" article:

Let me know if this info resolves the problem and, if not, we'll try
something else.

I Remain,
L. R. Kephart
LAROKE Microcomputer Consultants

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